Advanced PCR Analyzers by Truelab®

Truelab®'s Advanced PCR Analyzers epitomize excellence in genetic analysis technology. These state-of-the-art instruments offer precision, versatility, and efficiency, empowering researchers and clinicians to delve into the intricate world of molecular diagnostics. From the QuantumMax Quattro's four-channel system for simultaneous analysis to streamlined workflows, Truelab®'s Advanced PCR Analyzers redefine molecular research. With features like fully automatic operation, three-wavelength systems, and portability, these analyzers stand as beacons of innovation, providing a powerful suite of tools for unraveling the complexities of genetic structures. Elevate your research with Truelab®'s Advanced PCR Analyzers, where cutting-edge technology meets the demands of modern genetic exploration.

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PrecisionMax Duo PCR Analyzer

Elevate your molecular diagnostics with the Truelab® Duo Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer. Engineered for unparalleled precision, this cutting-edge instrument redefines real-time quantitative PCR. With dual-channel capabilities, it empowers researchers and clinicians to simultaneously analyze two genetic targets, unlocking a new dimension of efficiency in molecular analysis. The compact design, user-friendly interface, and rapid processing make the PrecisionMax Duo a cornerstone for genetic research, ensuring accurate and swift quantification of nucleic acids. Trust in the PrecisionMax Duo for advanced, real-time insights into your molecular analyses, setting a new standard in quantitative PCR technology.

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PrecisionMax Duo PCR Analyzer

GenoPro Plus Molecular Analyzer

Introducing the GenoPro Plus Molecular Analyzer, a revolutionary instrument at the forefront of genetic analysis. This fully automatic system, equipped with a sophisticated three-wavelength design, ensures precision and versatility in molecular diagnostics. Capable of performing 20-24 tests within an impressive 8-hour timeframe, the GenoPro Plus stands as a beacon of efficiency for time-critical applications. Its completely randomized operation adds flexibility to testing protocols, offering adaptability to diverse research needs. This portable marvel runs seamlessly on any Truenat Chip, providing convenience without compromise. With a battery-operated design, the GenoPro Plus is ready to deliver rapid and reliable results, making it an indispensable tool for genetic research, whether in the lab or in the field. Elevate your molecular analysis with the GenoPro Plus Molecular Analyzer – setting new standards in precision and performance.

GenoPro Plus Molecular Analyzer
The PrecisionMax Duo PCR Analyzer boasts a range of key features designed to streamline molecular diagnostics. Its fully automatic operation ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience. With a three-wavelength system, this analyzer offers enhanced versatility for comprehensive genetic analysis. Remarkably efficient, it performs 20-24 tests in just 8 hours, providing rapid results for time-sensitive applications. The completely randomized operation adds an element of flexibility, accommodating diverse testing requirements. Compatible with any Truenat Chip, this portable and battery-operated device ensures convenience without compromising on performance. Whether in a laboratory setting or in the field, the PrecisionMax Duo PCR Analyzer stands out as a reliable and advanced solution, setting a new standard in molecular analysis technology.

Advancing Molecular Analysis: Truelab® Duo Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer

 Truelab® Duo Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer

In the dynamic landscape of molecular diagnostics, the Truelab® Duo Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer emerges as a cutting-edge solution, poised to redefine the standards of precision and efficiency. This state-of-the-art instrument is characterized by a range of advanced features, solidifying its position as a leader in the field.

Fully Automatic Operation:

The Truelab® Duo operates with full automation, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience. This feature enhances workflow efficiency and minimizes the scope for errors, making it an ideal choice for researchers and clinicians seeking a reliable and intuitive molecular analysis platform.

PCR workflow

Three-Wavelength System:

Equipped with a sophisticated three-wavelength system, the Truelab® Duo offers unparalleled versatility in genetic analysis. This capability allows for comprehensive examination and precise quantification of nucleic acids, catering to the diverse needs of molecular diagnostics.

High Throughput in Minimal Time:

A remarkable feature of the Truelab® Duo is its ability to perform 20-24 tests within an impressive 8-hour timeframe. This high-throughput capability is particularly valuable in scenarios where time sensitivity is paramount, providing rapid and accurate results for critical applications.

DNA Transcription

Completely Randomized Operation:

The completely randomized operation adds an element of flexibility to testing protocols. This feature accommodates diverse research needs and ensures adaptability in varying experimental setups, contributing to the versatility of the Truelab® Duo.

Compatibility with Truenat Chips:

Designed to run seamlessly on any Truenat Chip, the Truelab® Duo ensures compatibility with a range of genetic targets. This flexibility in chip compatibility enhances the versatility of the analyzer, allowing researchers to tailor their experiments according to specific genetic markers or sequences of interest.


Portable and Battery-Operated:

The Truelab® Duo transcends traditional laboratory boundaries with its portable and battery-operated design. This feature empowers researchers to conduct molecular analyses not only in conventional lab settings but also in the field, bringing the power of real-time quantitative PCR to diverse environments.

In conclusion, the Truelab® Duo Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer stands as a pinnacle of innovation in molecular analysis technology. Its advanced features, coupled with a commitment to precision and efficiency, make it an indispensable tool for researchers and clinicians seeking to push the boundaries of genetic analysis. Elevate your molecular diagnostics with the Truelab® Duo, where cutting-edge technology meets the demands of modern genetic research.

QuantumMax Quattro

QuantumMax Quattro PCR Analyzer

Introducing the QuantumMax Quattro Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer by Truelab®, a pioneering instrument designed to elevate molecular diagnostics to unprecedented levels. With a four-channel system, this analyzer offers a comprehensive solution for simultaneous analysis of multiple genetic targets. The QuantumMax Quattro is engineered for efficiency, boasting fully automatic operation and a three-wavelength system that ensures precision in genetic analysis. With the capability to perform a remarkable 20-24 tests within just 8 hours, researchers gain rapid insights for time-sensitive applications. Its completely randomized operation adds flexibility to experimental protocols, accommodating diverse research needs. Compatible with any Truenat Chip, this portable and battery-operated powerhouse signifies the future of real-time quantitative PCR, making it an indispensable tool for advanced genetic research. Elevate your molecular analysis with the QuantumMax Quattro PCR Analyzer, where precision meets scalability in the world of molecular diagnostics.

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Advancing Genetic Discovery: Truelab® Duo and QuantumMax Quattro

Micro PCR Analyzer

In the realm of molecular diagnostics, Truelab® introduces two remarkable solutions— the Truelab® Duo Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer and the QuantumMax Quattro Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer. These advanced PCR analyzers represent a powerful synergy, combining precision and efficiency to propel genetic research to new heights.

Truelab® Duo Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer:

The Duo stands as a testament to seamless molecular analysis with its fully automatic operation. With a three-wavelength system, it offers a comprehensive approach to genetic analysis, allowing for the simultaneous exploration of two genetic targets. The completely randomized operation adds flexibility to testing protocols, accommodating diverse research needs. Portable and battery-operated, the Duo transcends traditional boundaries, providing rapid and accurate results whether in the lab or the field.

QuantumMax Quattro Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer:

Real-Time Quantitative Micro PCR Analyzer

Enter the QuantumMax Quattro, a genetic powerhouse with a four-channel system. Its fully automatic operation, coupled with a three-wavelength design, ensures precision and versatility. Performing an impressive 20-24 tests in just 8 hours, the Quattro accelerates time-sensitive applications. This analyzer stands as a symbol of scalability, accommodating simultaneous analysis of multiple genetic targets. Portable and battery-operated, it redefines convenience, offering researchers the flexibility to conduct analyses wherever needed.

A Synergy of Innovation:

Together, the Truelab® Duo and QuantumMax Quattro form a comprehensive suite of Advanced PCR Analyzers, each contributing unique strengths to genetic exploration. The Duo's dual-channel precision meets the Quattro's four-channel scalability, creating a synergy that addresses diverse research requirements. Researchers can seamlessly transition between targeted dual analysis and high-throughput, multi-target investigations, all within the same advanced suite.

Whether unraveling the intricacies of gene expression or conducting rapid analyses in time-sensitive scenarios, Truelab®'s Advanced PCR Analyzers represent the epitome of genetic discovery. Precision, efficiency, and flexibility converge in this suite, offering researchers a robust toolkit to advance their molecular research endeavors. Elevate your genetic analyses with the Truelab® Duo and QuantumMax Quattro, where innovation meets application in the pursuit of genetic understanding.


Advanced PCR Analyzers

Advancing Molecular Frontiers with Truelab®’s Advanced PCR Analyzers

In the dynamic landscape of genetic research, the culmination of precision, efficiency, and flexibility takes form in Truelab®’s Advanced PCR Analyzers. The Truelab® Duo and QuantumMax Quattro, two remarkable instruments within this advanced suite, exemplify a commitment to pushing the boundaries of genetic discovery.

The Truelab® Duo, with its dual-channel precision, stands as a beacon of accuracy and adaptability. Its fully automatic operation, three-wavelength system, and portability redefine the possibilities of molecular diagnostics, offering researchers a tool that seamlessly transitions between lab and field applications.

On the other hand, the QuantumMax Quattro introduces a new dimension of scalability with its four-channel system. Rapid, efficient, and performing an impressive number of tests within a condensed timeframe, the Quattro accelerates high-throughput genetic analyses. Its fully automatic operation and portability make it a dynamic solution for researchers seeking versatility and efficiency.

Together, the Truelab® Duo and QuantumMax Quattro create a harmonious synergy within the realm of genetic exploration. This suite of Advanced PCR Analyzers offers researchers a comprehensive toolkit, addressing a spectrum of research needs – from targeted dual analyses to high-throughput, multi-target investigations. The union of precision and scalability forms the backbone of genetic discovery, empowering researchers to unlock new insights and delve deeper into the intricacies of molecular structures.

QuantumMax PCR

In conclusion, Truelab®’s Advanced PCR Analyzers represent more than instruments; they embody a commitment to innovation, application, and the relentless pursuit of genetic understanding. Elevate your genetic analyses with this advanced suite, where technology meets the frontiers of molecular research, propelling researchers into a realm of possibilities and discoveries.